Combined Birth Chart & Transits Reading


Astrology is a sacred gift of language, an ancient tool for self discovery, acceptance and personal growth. When journeying through the cosmos we open up a dialogue between ourselves and the rich tapestry of the movements and energies of the celestial bodies above. We gain awareness of the energy and our relationship within the cycles of the planets as we synchronise within the greater sphere of cosmic order.

This reading provides a deep dive into your birth chart, along with upcoming influences over the next 6 - 18month period. Ruth looks at the upcoming transits and solar return, secondary progressions techniques when looking into the energy present for you. Please note this is not a month by month forecast but a view of the significant long term impacts at play.

If you would like to look into any specific areas of life (career/relationships etc) please let me know ahead of the reading.

The reading will be held online and takes approximately 1.5 - 2hrs.

Price includes the pre-interpretation work, a comprehensive & detailed PDF report & online reading.

Upon booking your birth details are required so please include: D.O.B / Exact Time of Birth / Location: City & Country

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