Finding my way to Astrology

Hello, I'm Ruth...

I was seven years old when I first encountered the world of esoterica, as I joined my mum on one of our many voyages to see her tarot reader; it was then that a burgeoning desire to delve into the rich plethora of all things other ignited my restless soul. It was this introduction that later lead me onto a journey of exploration through various fields of divination.

In 2018 I embarked on a three-year course of in-depth study at The London School of Astrology. It was a period of major transformation as I was experiencing my first Saturn return; a potent moment in life which hurls us into a chaotic and turbulent turning point. It was through the pandemonium that I found my place with astrology.

I am honoured to have been mentored by some of the world's most esteemed teachers, whose wisdom profoundly enriched my journey as I immersed myself into the intricacies of this ancient art. In the years that followed, I dedicated myself to furthering my expertise through relentless study and research, delving into the rich layers of its history. This dedicated practice has empowered me to skilfully interpret the charts of individuals from all corners of the world.

When I’m not busy reading peoples charts, I'm either curating and hosting esoteric events or writing about the rhythmic interplay of the celestial bodies above. Drawing from over fourteen years of experience in the PR & Marketing industry, I've led impactful campaigns and prominent events, and crafted compelling storytelling content for leading global brands and fashion houses; experiences all of which I infuse in my offerings at Astro Déjàvu.

I am invigorated by the rich exploration that astrology brings. I love delving into the distinct woven threads that form the tapestry of a persons unique birth chart.

If you're seeking guidance you’ve landed in the right place, I’m excited to embark on a transformative journey through the enlightening realms of astrology with you!